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2010年11月4日,日本研究人员在Journal of Human Genetics上发表论文说,他们发现了一个与烟雾病有关的基因,如果一个人体内的这个基因出现变异,那么他患烟雾病的风险会大大高于普通人。

研究人员通过对72个日本MMD患者和45个健康日本人进行全基因组关联研究,得到染色体17q25-ter与患MMD风险强相关。在17q25-ter区域,用335个SNPs在一个特定基因座中进行的关联研究进一步证实了上述结论:在RNF213基因座上,由7个SNPs构成的单倍型与MMD紧密关联(P=5.3×10-10)。对RNF213进行突变分析发现一个来自奠基者的突变p.R4859K,在95%家族性的MMD患者和73%的散发MMD患者以及1.4%的正常对照中均存在。这一突变极大地增加了MMD的患病风险(P=1.2 × 10-43, OR=190.8, 95%置信区间=71.7-507.9)。此外,在没有发生p.R4859K突变的MMD患者中,研究者还鉴定到额外的3个错义突变。所有这些结果提示RNF213是第一个鉴定到的MMD易感基因。


GWAS目前常用的芯片主要是Affymetrix SNP 6.0和Illumina 660K这两款(当然Aglient的SNP芯片也很不错)。至于选择标准,要看实验实际需求,经费,数据分析怎么做等等。在后期加大样本量验证时,SNP分型可选的方法很多,具体可以根据你的样本量和位点数来选择合适的方法即可,质谱、LDR、SNaPshot、SNPscan(天昊专利技术)等都是不错的选择。


参考文献:Kamada F, Aoki Y, Narisawa A, etal. A genome-wide association study identifies RNF213 as the first Moyamoya disease gene. J Hum Genet. 2010.

Abstract Moyamoya disease (MMD) shows progressive cerebral angiopathy characterized by bilateral internal carotid artery stenosis and abnormal collateral vessels.Although ∼15% of MMD cases are familial, the MMD gene(s) remain unknown. A genome-wide association study of 785720 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was performed, comparing 72 Japanese MMD patients with 45 Japanese controls and resulting in a strong association of chromosome 17q25-ter with MMD risk. This result was further confirmed by a locus-specific association study using 335 SNPs in the 17q25-ter region. A single haplotype consisting of seven SNPs at the RNF213 locus was tightly associated with MMD (P=5.3 × 10(-10)). RNF213 encodes a really interesting new gene finger protein with an AAA ATPase domain and is abundantly expressed in spleen and leukocytes. An RNA in situ hybridization analysis of mouse tissues indicated that mature lymphocytes express higher levels of Rnf213 mRNA than their immature counterparts. Mutational analysis of RNF213 revealed a founder mutation, p.R4859K, in 95% of MMD families, 73% of non-familial MMD cases and 1.4% of controls; this mutation greatly increases the risk of MMD (P=1.2 × 10(-43), odds ratio=190.8, 95% confidence interval=71.7-507.9). Three additional missense mutations were identified in the p.R4859K-negative patients. These results indicate that RNF213 is the first identified susceptibility gene for MMD.
