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Nature Genetics:外显子组测序揭示精神分裂症多源




研究方法和结果:研究人员选了53个精神分裂症病例(包括33个男性病例和20个女性病例)及他们未患病的双亲;对照组选了14个正常男性和8个正常女性及他们双亲,样本的选择利用一套严格的问卷调查表进行,以排除干扰因素,并且针对病例样本的表型做了细致的区分,其次对225个样本进行全外显子测序,对53个病例及他们的双亲和22个正常对照及他们的双亲利用BWA序列对比分析,GATK和DIndel筛选及custom scipt排除目标区域以外的突变,低频,以及重叠的SNP,在和双亲的多次测序结果比对后,在27个病例中发现了40个新的致病突变,并利用SAM方法进行了验证;其中包括位于22号染色体长臂DGCR2基因的一个破坏性突变并对其发生功能性的变化做了解释。然后研究者又将新发现的突变与遗传性的突变进行比对,发现其中多数为无义突变,有些突变改变了蛋白质的结构和功能。最后对发现的突变用sanger测序实验验证,进一步证明了研究结果。


参考文献:Bin Xu; J Louw Roos; Phillip Dexheimer,et al . Exome sequencing supports a de novo mutational paradigm for schizophrenia.NatureGenetics864–868(2011)doi:10.1038/ng.902

Abstract:Despite its high heritability, a large fraction of individuals with schizophrenia do not have a family history of the disease (sporadic cases). Here we examined the possibility that rare de novo protein-altering mutations contribute to the genetic component of schizophrenia by sequencing the exomes of 53 sporadic cases, 22 unaffected controls and their parents. We identified 40 de novo mutations in 27 cases affecting 40 genes, including a potentially disruptive mutation in DGCR2, a gene located in the schizophrenia-predisposing 22q11.2 microdeletion region. A comparison to rare inherited variants indicated that the identified de novo mutations show a large excess of non-synonymous changes in schizophrenia cases, as well as a greater potential to affect protein structure and function. Our analyses suggest a major role for de novo mutations in schizophrenia as well as a large mutational target, which together provide a plausible explanation for the high global incidence and persistence of the disease.
